Selección Universitaria / Academic Selection
Nuestra selección de cortometrajes universitarios parece dar cuenta de nuevas voces del cine de animación. Vemos acá un predominio del comentario social como forma de ofrecer nuevas representaciones de algunas de las situaciones bipolares que agobian nuestro tiempo, como la discriminación/inclusión, el usufructo y lo colaborativo, el sistema y la individualidad, la civilización y lo salvaje, y los abusos de poder. También encontramos relatos abiertos que se presentan en la pantalla por medio de diferentes desarrollos plásticos que entran en diálogo con ciertas preguntas sobre el sentido y el sin-sentido de nuestra existencia, de nuestros miedos y angustias más profundas. Estos desarrollos se aventuran a representar algunas relaciones con el cuerpo que invitan a construir diferentes modos de identificarse que han comenzado a encontrar un lugar reconocible. Todo esto haciendo uso de las convenciones de los géneros dentro de la animación que se traslapan entre si y parecen encontrar en el ámbito universitario un escenario de experimentación aliado a procesos de aprendizaje que pueden expandir consiente o inconscientemente los límites de esta forma de lenguaje.

In Lisbon, a german married couple is about to get aboard the legendary n°28 tramway, but how should you ract when the brakes let go and embark you on a vertiginous race... with a baby on board. Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Collin, Louise Grardel, Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle, Fabien Meyran - France.

IHR (THEM) is the story about a building with an inner courtyard an its inhabitants. While the different character follow their everyday routines, trash slowly begins to pile up in the courtyard. What seems harmless in the beginning, one night escalates to a total disaster. Amélie Cochet, Louis Möhrle - Switzerland.

A brief history of the 20th century explored through postage stamps as artistic objects and cultural artifacts expressing perceptions of nationhood, geography and identity. Lukas Conway - Canada.

This is a story about life and sacrifices to nature, a story of indigenous groups which is based on respect for astral beings and inner love. Christopher Aguilar - Mexico.

Every day, a bearded man must complete a strange and difficult ritual to prepare himself for the day ahead. Keshav Abrol, Lucas Londoño-Clayton, Pavel Loparev, Alicia Velasco - Spain.

“Tangle” is about the people who lost their homes in the war and was forced to leave all their memories and loved ones behind. It is also about life and striving to survive on the geographical borders of hope and depression while reaching for all the things that can connect us to this water and land in spite of constantly getting ignored and interrupted. Maliheh Gholamzadeh - Islamic Republic of Iran.

Michael is a man who has gender dysphoria. For him, it is like he is a woman but being trapped inside a body of man. This feeling is frustrating for "her", she felt like a prisoner in a cage... Jinlan SHI - France.

A little boy needs to face the truth to grow up. Ryan GHOSSEIN, Phébé DESTERNE, Chedi AYARI, M. Azer KAABACHI, Jake ZETTER, Lina METHOUT - France.

The Steppes of Khazar
The fate of the Khazar people, as it is told by their conquerors – loosely based on “Dictionary of the Khazars” by Milorad Pavic. Sofiia Melnyk - Germany.

Por Ahora un Cuento
A meeting of a daughter and a father. On this trip to the mountain, sometimes they are strong, sometimes they tend to be afraid of nature. Out of fear, one of the two will end up becoming a monster and will have to live in solitude. Carla Melo Gampert - Colombia.

Homard is the the Diva’s butler, well-known and adulated opera singer. As usual before each show comes the time when he brings her her favorite pastry. But this time an incident may disturb the professionalism of that dedicated little lobster. DONG Lanyibo ; SONG Wenpei ; THIBAULT Oriane ; VON HATTEN Audrey ; ZHENG Christine - France.

How my grandmother became an elephant
"How my grandmother became an elephant" is an animated short film that tells the story of a family whose life suddenly changes when their grandmother becomes mysteriously ill. Paula Domenti - Russian Federation.